What folks are saying ...


Fafner is a high spirited 16-month-old standard poodle. Kizz has been working with Fafner since the day he came home. She was at our house with a clicker and pocket full of treats, helping us make his crate a wonderful haven. His crate is still his favorite spot - this alone is worth gold.

As experienced dog owners, we realized training an urban puppy posed real challenges, and this time around we wanted HELP. Kizz Robinson cheerfully helps us recognize both good and undesirable dog behaviors and teaches us ways to effectively communicate with this smart, stubborn hairball.

Fafner likes to romp, jump like a randy goat, and enjoys long walks on the beach. He especially loves a mud bath with that special someone - and as an added bonus, 2b Dog Training even accompanied us to the “Wash Your Own Dog” feature at our local groomer the first time he transformed into a hippo.

While Fafner is certainly still a work in progress, he’s survived his terrible teens and is showing us moments of the affectionate, charming, mostly obedient guy he’s becoming. Kizz Robinson at 2B Dog Training can take a lot of credit for this. She has been a huge help in providing and interpreting the operating manual for this nut.

I would recommend her to anyone wanting answers to the weird questions our dogs pose.


Trainer's Note: Fafner passed away in 2023 and is deeply missed by his family and by me.


I connected with Kizz when my year-old terrier rescue, Maggie, starting having problems with anxiety and fear-based aggression, and she's been an absolutely invaluable part of Maggie's training and evolution. Kizz is a terrific listener and is incredibly compassionate with both me and Maggie.

She helped me work through Maggie's issues, and was both creative and flexible in coming up with solutions.

Kizz is smart, resourceful, and also organized -- her training emails are incredibly thorough (and she will definitely make sure you do your homework!).

She trained me as much as she trained Maggie, and both of us are better off for it




Prairie was like a fan of anxiety that unfolded in the first months we had her. Now I feel like we are doing everything we can and her progress is better with all the pieces in place. 

Kizz coaches you on how to be a good trainer for your own individual dog, she pivots her focus as things arise, and, she has the focus, experience and skill to stick long term with high needs dogs.

Jennifer and Peter


I was scared of my dog! I felt he was unpredictable and he had bitten me several times. Now, I understand his behavior, it is predictable, I have techniques to manage it, and I truly enjoy spending time with him!

My favorite part of the training was all the support from Kizz! It was helpful to have sessions remotely so my dog and I could actually practice the skills in our home without the distractions of a visitor. Having remote sessions felt more productive and effective.

Training with Kizz will change your relationship with your dog for the better!

Cara Aloisio

LEA (pictured), ROSY & AUGGIE

Our house was chaotic and we weren't sure how to move forward until we met Kizz. She is an invaluable resource! She is kind and compassionate, and fully committed to helping you find a solution for you and your pets.

Kizz's recap emails were amazing – she sent them same evening and it was a great resource to use throughout the times between sessions. She also has an incredible network of other specialists and can form an entire support team around you and your pet family. She will be a lifelong resource for us.

Other than having Kizz 24/7, I can't think of something realistic that would make the program more helpful.


We loved working with Kizz, who helped us turn our lil pup into a lovebug!

We get many compliments whenever we take her out as she is great with leash walking and very gentle.

Lalta and Marilyn

Kizz was so lovely, friendly, and made the techniques very accessible. She didn’t make us feel judged if we messed up!

We had a sweet dog beforehand who had some challenging behaviors who became a dog we knew how to handle well and who behaved like a dream afterwards. 

Hands down, hire Kizz!




Before training, Atticus would immediately go towards threshold upon seeing another dog. He refused to walk up stairs after walks without treats, and he would stare and whine at us upon returning to the apartment. After training, Atticus is much better when he sees other dogs on walks. We have so many more tools. Most importantly, Atticus is a healthier and happier dog (a neighbor who hadn't seen him in almost a year commented to us about how much healthier and happier he seems)!

It felt like after every session, we would learn something totally new and applicable that we didn't know we needed, from hind-leg awareness to recall. Although we never went into training thinking "we need to teach Atticus recall", basic recall has actually helped his scavenging and dog reactivity management a ton, and more broadly, it has improved our communication and engagement with him during walks.

We worked previously with a trainer for dog reactivity, who gave us some basic tools for management and desensitization, which all required treats. We got to a stage where Atticus can be managed while near another dog, but we hit a plateau in actually changing his feelings about the other dog. Kizz started us on a BAT 2.0 protocol because Atticus is so food-motivated, the treats might be overriding his underlying feelings and we're finally beginning to see some legitimate change in his comfort level around other dogs.

Kizz's training has led to huge, huge improvements in his quality of life both inside and outside the house. Everything we've taken away from the sessions has been practical and we've nurtured a much stronger bond with our dog because of our work with Kizz. We cannot recommend training with Kizz enough!

Our favorite part of the training as being able to go through everyday experiences (neighborhood walks, settling in the house after walks, park visits) with Kizz and get feedback on all sorts of interactions that we wouldn't have thought to bring up on our own.

Overall, the depth of the training has been far beyond what we'd experienced before.

Ariane V. & Ryan M.


If your goal is to build a strong relationship with your dog and make changes that will last - this is for you. 

Before we met Kizz it was very difficult to live with Fleet. It was a full time job trying to take care of him. Now we have a dog who is easier to live with and likes to have fun hiking and camping



Training with Kizz really changed the way I perceived dog training. I learned there are different ways to train your dog, and positive reinforcement is the most effective. It is a process and it’s not from one day to the other, but if the owner is willing to learn and work side by side with their dog you will see the results.

Valentina Benaglio

Kizz has made training super informative, constructive, but also fun. I gained confidence in how to work with my pup on the challenging aspects of the city.

Before we worked with her there was tress when seeing upcoming dogs and while passing them on our crowded city streets. After we both have confidence and no worry when passing dogs.

Melanie Kyono



We brought home a reactive rescue dog that didn’t trust us and was a source of fear. After working with Kizz our dog has completely changed. She is a happy pup with so much love to give and rarely shows signs of fear and aggression towards us like she did before. We are very happy and grateful to have our dog today! 

I recommend Kizz to people all the time! Especially if I see their pup is struggling. I say, “The best thing we did for our dog was work with a behavior consultant to help her feel more confident and less reactive. It’s so worth it to build trust with your dog and understand their behavior so they can feel safer and live a happier life! Our dog has come so far and I would definitely recommend working with someone if you are able to!”



I feel like our dog appreciates us more and is willing to listen more. Our quality of life together is so much better now! 

I have tried to follow general advice on the internet and to do my own research. Having a set plan and how to deal with certain scenarios is more helpful, and I feel more confident knowing that a trainer is helping/guiding us along the way. 

Life with our dog was stressful before, and it felt like things were hopeless and stuck the way they were. Now I feel so much more confident in figuring out what our dog needs/wants, and how to train him to provide the most happiness and comfort for him. 

I trust Kizz a lot! While she is very knowledgeable about the methodical ways to train dogs in general, she also listens to the specific problems and situations of the dog and formats a plan based on that. 

The detailed recap of the training sessions is a great resource to check whenever I need a reminder!
