High energy young Ella is learning to relax during our virtual sessions.

I signed up for live online coaching. Now what?

September 23, 20204 min read

SEPTEMBER 23, 2020

I signed up for live online coaching. Now what?

One of the gifts of our current health and safety precautions is that we’ve normalized virtual training. This type of training is allowing us to reach more people more frequently and with greater success.

Just because we’ve normalized it doesn’t mean we’ve explained it to everyone yet, though. Let me fix that!

If you’re already signed up for a virtual session your trainer will have sent you a link to your Zoom session and a behavior history form. Keep that link handy in your calendar or somewhere else you won’t be scrambling to lay hands on it right before your session. Once you have all that here’s what will happen:

Step 1: You will complete the behavior history form and return it to your trainer. Receiving that at least 24 hours in advance of your session helps the trainer prepare so they can use your time together more efficiently.

Step 2: Make sure you have plenty of treats. Find out what foods your pup loves and prepare at least half a cup each of two different flavors. Cut them into pieces that are about half the size of your pinky fingernail (smaller if your dog is tiny) and put them in a fanny pack, container, or treat pouch so you can have them easily accessible nearby during your session.

Step 3: Figure out where you’re going to set up for your session. We recommend you find a spot where you can sit comfortably as we talk and then can back up from your device and work with your dog while still being in full view of the camera. We know that NYC isn’t full of giant living spaces so do your best and be ready to move your device so we can get the best vantage point. We’ll help you figure it out.

Initial sessions generally have more talking since we need to explain training concepts and develop a training plan for your family. Subsequent sessions have more active practice.

Megan can be nervous with new people and dogs. The first time I met her in person she learned to like me. We’ve been following up virtually to keep her family’s training moving forward.

Megan can be nervous with new people and dogs. The first time I met her in person she learned to like me. We’ve been following up virtually to keep her family’s training moving forward.

Step 4: Sign on to the session. Find that Zoom link the trainer sent use it. You’ll find yourself in a waiting room and the trainer will admit you. At that point your video will be on and Zoom will ask you to connect to audio. Only after you’ve done that will you be able to hear the trainer and they will be able to hear you.

Step 5: Start training! Your trainer will describe the training and let you know how it fits into your training goals. They will demonstrate the technique with their own dog, using visual aids, or by showing you a pre-made video. Then they’ll ask you to practice. 

While you’re practicing the trainer will coach you, just as we’ve always done in person. The only difference is that you want to make sure that you can hear them. For some people this is about keeping the volume on their device turned up and others choose to wear wireless headphones so they can move away from the device and still hear us well. 

Step 6: Ask for help. If there is anything that is unclear to you or that you’re finding difficult to practice please ask questions. Trainers love questions and will do everything they can to be sure that you’re practicing well before the session is over so you’ll be able to progress on your own between sessions.

Step 7: Practice on your own. Between sessions you will need to practice on your own. You don’t need to carve out a giant chunk of time each day. If you’re working for a few minutes a few times per day we trust you will see progress toward your goals. 

If you have questions between sessions please feel free to contact us with them. Email is generally best and we do our best to get back to you within 24 hours.

What now?

Book that session by contacting us! We’re looking forward to working with you.

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