A small gray dog peeks out from under a blue tablecloth

Halloween Reminders

October 21, 20242 min read

Don't Howl At the Moon

Last Minute Tips for Keeping Dogs Safe around Halloween

Halloween costumes and decorations can be scary for dogs. There's plenty you can do to help them feel safer at this exciting time of year.

A medium sized gray dog peeks from under a midnight blue tablecloth

Beth peeks out from under a tablecloth to see if it's safe out there.

Last year I wrote about some things you can do to help your pup feel safer around Halloween decorations. Those suggestions are still useful and you can find them here.

You might also be thinking about dressing your pup up for Halloween. If that's a goal for you I want you to ask yourself some questions:

  • Does my dog love wearing things?

  • Will they love wearing this specific outfit?

  • Is the outfit safe for them? Can they breathe, see, hear, smell, and move with it on?

  • Where do I want them to wear this outfit?

  • Are they comfortable in the place they'll need to wear the outfit?

  • Are they comfortable with the people who will be there?

  • Will you be able to pay attention to them in case other people or dogs bother them or get too excited about their costume?

  • Will you be wearing a costume?

  • Has your pup ever seen you wear something like that?

  • Will other people be wearing costumes?

  • What does your dog do when they encounter people in unusual clothing?

You can probably tell that I could go on asking questions for days! These are a good starting place. After you answer a few of them you'll have a good idea about whether your pup will be comfortable at your Halloween festivities.

If you have any question about whether your dog will feel safe, better to skip it, at least this year. Find them a place to stay that's away from all the excitement and give them some yummy food puzzles to keep them busy. Then you can go out and have your fun and not worry about how your pup is feeling.

If you think your pup might like Halloween celebrations and you'd really like to try, November 1st is a great time to start an easy, slow, and steady training plan to prepare them for next year!

Want some help making your Halloween 2025 training plan? Head over to the contact form on the website.

Wondering about classes? Check them out here.

FREE Ask the Trainer Zoom on Saturdays at 11a (some holidays excepted).

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